  Welcome to Project Algiz. This is a blog dedicated to enriching the lives of a desperate people who belongs to a dissipating culture and society. Many people in this culture understand that the history of their people is at stake, not only in literally works, but genealogically, socially, and in family heritage. We are often force fed lies and libel about ourselves from day one, usually in the educational institutions, the media, sentiments of others who live along side us in our societies, and in many cases even our own parents and family members teach us how bad we are for the past actions of our ancestors, which in many cases are exaggerated or even outright lies (like how we intentionally spread diseases in the new world when we had no conception of germ theory or microbiology at the time).
   The lack of our replacement level birthdates are painfully obvious, not only to us but also outsiders. Many of us grew up having few to no siblings or cousins, many of us grew up knowing that this was unhealthy, and many of us saw our boomer and gen x parents tell us how they “couldn’t afford to have more kids”, all the while they spent money on expensive clothes, high end and unnecessary technologies and other luxury items. They also had no sense of productivity other than being wage slaves, having little to no understand of entrepreneurialism, often voicing against our ideas and plans because they did not fit the wage slave mentality.
   This has led to a lowered population of our peoples, a degeneration of our cultural vigor, and even abandonment and self hatred. Our culture and society is sick. I would even go as far as to say that in some regards it is suicidal. Many of our people are nihilistic about our very existence in fifty years time, often just jumping ship and cowering away from the fight to repair our culture and invigorate our people. Many things attribute to this attitude, many people feel hopeless, but many of these feelings are overthought, and to some degree exaggerated. Surely, we are in a time of tribulation and peril as a people and a collective European culture, however, this is no reason to give up the fight. In fact, it is a calling. It is a calling to address the issues we have, of which there are many, on many levels and many fields. From economical, biological, and societal, all the way down to academic and community, and back over to philosophical and mental conditionings.
   The goal of this blog is to help provide solutions to the people who are concerned with these issues, and to help those people awaken others who are in this state of coma which keeps them blind to these issues. Such people (and I was once one as well), just no longer have any concept of belonging to a community or people. They see themselves as the “generic”, having no culture, many of them not even being aware of their specific family origins. They have no sense of calling of their people, they have no sense of tribalism, which is an important aspect of any human as a species. Having no such sense of tribal identity is as unnatural as taking an orca in an aquarium for entertainment. Many of these people have no self respect because they are told they are bad, they are conditioned to “jump ship” on their people because we have been broken down and eroded.
    The solutions to these problems are as varied as the problems themselves, many issues and many aspects of each issue needs to be addressed. I do not claim to have end-all solutions, nor do I claim to have any bulletproof solutions to any of these individual problems, but what I do offer is fresh opinions and aspects, to help each individual of this community come to their own solutions that work for them on the individual level. You see, to address the problems of the greater European community at large (regardless of where we are in the world), is to come together as individuals to address the problems in our own lives. Nobody is going to come along and simply take away the problems we have. It is up to all of us to do so, starting with ourselves.
   All too often, it is said, “but I am only one man, what can I do”, or “there’s no hope because we are all too far gone”. I have come to understand this as an excuse of “cucking out”, to give one’s self an excuse to jut go along with the degeneration while giving an obligatory complaint as to not feel guilty about giving up on themselves, their family, and their people. However, one has to understand that the individual has the greatest power to make the changes. Our people highly value the individual, and this is not a weakness at all, but a strength. A strength that not only serves one’s self, but also the greater collective of his or her nation, tribe, culture and society.  If even 30% of our people understood this, we could greatly, greatly improve our community. Even this breakage from the other 70% is better than 97% staying stagnant and dying. Like a tree shedding dead branches for the benefit of it’s own health and vigor.
   As each individual makes changes to address our problems, we will naturally encourage other members to follow suit via influence and example. You, yes YOU, the reader, will give the next person encouragement, you will give your children encouragement, you will give others who you encounter on comment sections encouragement. You see, a people who are starved of a healthy culture have a natural hunger for culture and a strong tribal structure, which is the entirely reasoning for having been cut off from our roots in the first place. Such feelings and needs for a healthy tribe and culture are so deeply rooted in people (of all kinds, not just us) that it was entirely necessary for survival, from the beginning all the way up until very recent times. And, in many ways, still is.
   The articles issued with this blog will offer insight and encouragement to you, the reader, and I will attempt to balance these articles between short enough to read, yet lengthy and detailed enough to be effective. I will attempt to write these articles in such a manner that allows one to digest suggestions and opinions of quality, with many solutions small enough to be implemented within a day’s time. This will result in new life, new vigor of our culture, new hopes and dreams of victory.
    So why “Project Algiz”? What does this name mean? How does it pertain to this cultural movement? Well, the name comes from the name of a rune. The sound that the rune makes, phonetically speaking, but moreso what the rune has come to represent. The name of the rune itself is representative of the “Elk”, or the “Moose”, as we call them in the New World, which in itself is a mild natured animal, often meandering and grazing, minding its own business and trying to survive as it knows how. However, when provoked, can be the most dangerous and motivated animal in the woods, statistically more dangerous than brown bears. This means that this animal is well tempered to the point where it can be amongst the most peacefully natured animals, yet also the most fiercely dangerous individual animal.
    This rune also has a meaning of life. In some occult ideologies, this rune, when upright, is representative of birth and new life. This meaning, along with the previously mentioned meaning, gives an esoteric meaning to this name, “Algiz”, which is representative of how our people need to take up an awareness and awakening necessary for addressing the things effecting our culture. We must be peaceful during times of peace, but fiercely aggressive and even dangerous when challenged by predators and instigators. I want to be upfront about clarifying that this IS NOT a call for senseless violence, this is a call for being fierce about our survival, and dangerous towards the opposing ideologies that challenge us as a people. That being said, it is also a esoteric meaning representative of our birth and fertility.
   So please, enjoy my writings if you please, and take them as nothing more than advice based on my own personal opinions of the world we live in today, and how we may survive, strive, and beat the odds that are against us. And not only beat them, but excel beyond the very domain in which they occur.
   This is “Project Algiz”.


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